
NHK 福島の原発事故とブラックスワンについて (ナシム・タレブ氏へのインタビュー)

 原文のニュースはNHKで放送されたNassim Talebのインタビューの概要です。

9/14/2011 Nassim Taleb
I’d like to leave the notion of Black Swan, because it’s often misused. A Black Swan for me is extremely dependent on the observer. What’s a Black Swan for the turkey is not a Black Swan for the butcher. The true message of the Black Swan is that there are some classes of probability that are not easily computable -- in which we tend to make a mistake by underestimating them. And Fukushima is part of it. Fukushima actually has exactly the two central points of my message. The first one is, of course, miscomputation of small probabilities. We humans cannot compute small probabilities -- nature can. In three billion years, you know what’s fragile and what’s not, what breaks and what doesn’t break and what has some equilibrium and what’s not. Fukushima is part of that world we created, like finance, in which we have human error deciding on this, rather than tradition and evolution deciding on risk. When evolution deals with things, it breaks the weak all the time. So, Fukushima relies on the computation of possibilities.
The classic mistake is when you compute probabilities, you tend to underestimate them for the very simple reason that if you’re uncertain about the method you’re using you tend to underestimate it.

Fukushima ... The power company has cost savings and profits as a corporation. And the capitalistic system works beautifully when those who make the money have liabilities, because if you don't have liabilities then your incentive is to say “OK, we’re not going to make the wall big enough -- it costs money, we don't need it too big.” But if your neck is on the line you make a much stronger wall. You think of possibilities other than the ones you thought about before. It makes you a lot more careful because you have more liability.

No - that’s a problem; you cannot measure risk with any precision. The more remote the event, the less you can measure it. You have to be not paranoid -- think “paranoid,” multiply by two, multiply by two again when you’re talking about these remote risks.

When it comes to things that we haven’t had for two billion years, you have to be extremely careful. Because no simulation will take into account all possible risks. A lot of things will come outside your model. You cannot endanger others with your models, so this model-based risk doesn’t work. There’s something I call heuristic risk -- heuristic is rules of thumb, vastly more powerful than models. The other thing is the mathematical establishment of risk management is extremely backward. They’re not good at managing risks, not good at estimating risks.
If you look at the numbers in finance, they’re horrible. People show you computations showing it’s Triple-A, it turns out to be junk. You have that. I don't want to have “expert error” killing people, so therefore you have to be extremely robust to what I call expert error, so you have to take the models, use them and be robust, saying “what if the model is wrong?” If you did this very simple mental exercise, you would have had a lot more robust buildings than you had in Fukushima, perhaps even abandoned the idea of nuclear altogether. Because, an error can be monstrous and we’re not good with these things.
But maybe if you keep the nuclear but are vastly more paranoid -- people may say an earthquake never happened before -- it’s now excused. Large, consequential events do not have a predecessor. The First World War did not have a predecessor. You had an earthquake in Kobe, saying it never happened before. The magnitude of the earthquake you had in Fukushima can be exceeded by another one -- take that into account; don't say it never happened before!

I’m not in that business. When people ask what they should do, I say this. A system that is robust. Work on building a system that is robust and don't rely on small probabilities. And make sure that you have the right incentives. Remove that bonus compensation without liability. Have liabilities -- people who deal with risk management should have liabilities.

■著書の中で“in Japanese culture, which is ill-adapted to randomness, people hate volatility, thus engaging strategies exposed to blow-ups.”どういう意味でしょうか?
You can see this with Fukushima -- I noticed the Japanese culture penalizes you for making a mistake, so if I’m ashamed for losing money or making a small mistake, my incentive would be to go into strategies in which mistakes are rare, but big. Like they happen every ten years, but are large, rather than happening every day, but small. Because you’re ashamed of it. It really hurts your entrepreneurship not to make mistakes, so I like cultures that allow you to make small mistakes, not large ones.
America is very tolerant to very small mistakes and to large mistakes. I am intolerant to large mistakes and favorable to small mistakes. And because a process of innovation goes from small mistake to small mistake. The British Industrial Revolution came from people who love to tinker and make mistakes. It’s called “bricolage” -- you play, you play, you play; it’s a process of iterative, heuristic search and you discover something simply by making small mistakes and you learn from them.

You need to let people know that small mistakes are ok. There’s something called “fail fast” in California. That’s why you have the high-tech culture -- you know how to fail. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs -- if you try to, you’re cheating somewhere and one day it’s going to blow up in your face. So, it’s the same thing everywhere -- lose some money. The good thing about the Japanese culture if you describe things in the right frame then they accept it. If you have to reformulate the way you express your profits and losses -- just say “it’s ok, I made a mistake, but it’s part of the process,” taking into account a bucket of mistakes, people accept it once you frame it that way. But you cannot operate with people ashamed of making small losses.
In my book I have two kinds of payoffs -- some where you make small profits all the time and once in a while have huge blow ups, and that’s Fukushima, where it looks like it’s working fine, but you’re pushing the risks to the rear. And then another strategy where you have swings and volatility, but you don't have large blow ups.
I explain that in the new version of the Black Swan that the fear of volatility is what’s making the world fragile. Mother Nature has volatility.
To give you an example where this happens, US policy in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, they stabilize regimes, we don't want volatility -- it’s causing risks to accumulate under the radar. I say Lebanon has a very volatile political system but no more problems because everything is in the open. In Italy, where they’ve had 60 governments since World War 1, the country is stable in spite of that volatility. Syria and Saudi Arabia, as I wrote in the Black Swan, had no political volatility. It doesn’t make them stable -- it just pushes the risks under the radar screen. Some things are more stable because they ARE volatile.

Do not fear volatility, fear risk of blow ups. You should learn to have some volatility.  The Romans say “fluctuate doesn’t sink.”  A little fluctuation is better than something completely artificially stabilized because many things that are artificially stabilized collapse.  So, rear of volatility in a way, is pushing us to make huge mistakes by hiding randomness under the rock.




■著書の中で“in Japanese culture, which is ill-adapted to randomness, people hate volatility, thus engaging strategies exposed to blow-ups.”どういう意味でしょうか?

